Nea Vasile Dinu’s taraf from Mârșa represents one of the last remaining lăutar bands from Romania that still performs a repertoire characteristic of the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Thus, in his repertoaire you’ll find a wealth of song genres, including “old songs” or ballads—whether epic or mythological, archaic love songs, lyric songs, songs in doina form, Romani lyric songs, as well as peasant dances.
They come from the Giurgiu/Teleorman area in southern Romania, and are led by 82 year old singer Vasile Dinu. The band consists of cimbalom, double bass, accordions and violins. The taraf plays both traditional weddings and parties but also clubs and national or international festivals. Over the years they played in most Europeean countries, including Greece, France, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, the Czech Republic, Russia etc.
Get ready, put on your dancing shoes and enjoy the old-timey poetry and frenetic energy of this music of bygone days.