Modrý Vrch live is tribute to the most famous Dežo Ursiny's album called Modrý vrch. The tribute band is created by his son Kubo Ursiny and other Czech and Slovak musicians. They all together perform live version of Modrý Vrch.
Dežo Ursiny is considered one of the most important personalities of Slovak rock music and one of the most talented and unique Slovak popular music composers. He belongs to a wide group of legends of Czechoslovak Big Beat. Dežo Ursiny was a member of big beat bands The Beatmen, The Soulmen in the 1960s and since the mid-1970s, until his death he pursued a solo-career, composing sophisticated artistic and critically highly praised music, which varied slightly from one album to another and is sometimes hard to define, can be described as jazz rock, or more widely – progressive rock. He composed music to several films, including the popular musical “Neberte nám princeznú” and also shot several documentary movies during his lifetime.